
1:1 Coaching

Get a personalized plan and regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.

50-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • A new view of success where it is defined by your personal contentment

  • Connection, caring, and powerful questions to help you find your inner brilliance

  • A solutionary, feminist viewpoint on how to find your way on your terms

  • A personalized plan to help you define your goals and then to reach them

  • Guidance and support via email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles


I trust you and ask the questions to open up your inner knowing.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?" - Marianne Williamson

We have been taught to serve others, to be selfless, to play small, to doubt our greatness. One wrong move, one wrong bite, and we can evoke unfathomable evil. It is all a lie. We are the exact opposite of Pandora’s Box- only goodness and truth are within. Be open to your essential self, the one that has always known the answers. Be open and unleash all that is good within you.

Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for something integrated and tailored to your needs, 1:1 Solutionary coaching might be the right step.

THE SPARK Single Session 50-minute $130

THE BREEZE Three 50-minute sessions $360

This is a quick way to begin to gain more clarity.

THE GROUNDING Six 50-minute sessions $660

Get back on even ground, find your path again, and dream where you want to be.

THE CREATOR Twelve 50-minute sessions $1200

Give yourself time to focus on yourself, and reconnect to what you were meant to do. Create your legacy.

Live It to Give It, an Option to Pay It Forward

My goal is to help as many people as possible. Money should not be the blocker to your transformation. For a limited number of people, I am offering a pay-what-you-can plus volunteer hours at a local non-profit of your choice in exchange for a coaching session. Together we create community and personal growth. We can discuss this option during your free consultation.

Healing with Plant Medicine

Sometimes we need to explore different strategies to find a way to connect the mind & body. A psychedelic journey can cut the cords that have held us down.


People make the life-changing decision to go on a psychedelic journey for many reasons. You might want to rediscover your lost creativity, heal a memory, connect with the spirit of a loved one, explore your imagination, become more at home in your body, or look for guidance on discovering your life’s purpose.

When I embarked on this work, I intended to change the world. I do not do this work lightly. It is sacred work. It must be honored. My first psilocybin journey was part of a John Hopkins Hospital psychedelic trial, and it changed my life and ended my lifetime struggle with depression. I work with people who want to be change-makers; people who want to create a legacy of service, and searchers who want to receive so that they can give.

I offer pre and post-journey coaching for people looking for psychedelic healing. The pre-work includes a detailed journaling guide and plans for set and setting for your journey. Post-journey integration work is crucial and makes all the difference between a fantastic day and a life-changing experience that gets integrated into the rest of your life.

3 1:1 sessions are required before booking a journey process.

I do not sell or source psilocybin. I do pre- and post-journey coaching and experiential partnering.


“I was very fortunate to have found Ashana to help and guide me through my psilocybin journey and ongoing micro-dosing. She is absolutely amazing ... not only very knowledgeable about everything to do with this beautiful plant medicine but also very compassionate, warm, and encouraging. I found the whole experience to be very professional and well-structured but also personalized and very hands-on. Even though we did the whole thing remotely because I'm based in New Zealand, this felt like no barrier at all, and I had a local sitter to help me physically on the day. I am deeply grateful for her help and wisdom and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone wishing to embark on this incredible inner journey with psilocybin. It has changed my life! Without Ashana, I never would have gone into it feeling so prepared nor integrated the experience so well post-journey. Thank you, Ashana, you are an absolute God-send.”

- Candice Murray, New Zealand

“I’m in a really good place in my life right now. Those sessions with Ashana have really moved my ex to the rearview mirror where he belongs! Thank you!”

- Anonymous, Pennsylvania

“When I started with Ashana, my life was falling apart. Now, I have a better relationship with my husband and son, and my business is thriving. Most importantly, I feel happy. How did that happen? Life still feels like a roller coaster sometimes, but now I feel I have the skills to enjoy the ride.”

- Shan P, Minnesota

“Ashana is a diligent student in the art of a joyful, creative life. She brings together a combination of intuitive empathy, deep caring, book smarts, and whit. I appreciate her practical and compassionate approach and am impressed with her magical ability to help people find clarity and understanding in their own lives. Ashana is a gifted life coach who helps people find the answers they have been looking for.”

- Rose, Minnesota

Group Coaching

Sign up to attend my live webinars, which explore different strategies for better connecting the mind & body.

Maiden, Mother, Crone: moving and shaking into your Feminine Power

Group coaching for women and non-binary folx looking to increase their sphere of influence.  Includes conversational hypnosis and generational timeline trance work.

What is it to hold feminine power in today’s patriarchal culture?

Where is your place in the capital madness? What is your legacy? 

How would it be to lead with collaboration instead of competition?

How can you own your power and be a force for positive change?

6-month program

Every month:

One in-person group session 

One group zoom 

One individual coaching call 

Weekly participant partner calls 

Reading and homework to enhance the topics covered each month

Starting date: TBD