“Do not feel lonely; the entire universe is inside you. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

Solutionary Feminist Coaching

“How can we do the most good and the least harm?” -Zoe Weil

A solutionary looks to fulfill their purpose and happiness by looking for equitable answers for themselves, the environment, and other living creatures.

If you believe that women should have the same political, social, and economic rights as men, you are a feminist.

Intersectional feminism recognizes how different aspects of a person’s identity might interact to change the way they experience the world – and the barriers they might face as a result.

Improve your relationship with yourself

Where are you now?

Where would you like to be?

Let’s work together to get you there. 

LGBTQ+ Safe Space * Climate and social activist * Racial justice allied * Homeschool advocate * Youth mentor * End of life and grief support

First, find your happiness, then help lead others to theirs, then mend the planet with your joy.

What you’ll get

  • 50-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • A new view of success where it is defined by your personal contentment

  • Connection, caring, and powerful questions to help you find your inner brilliance

  • A solutionary, feminist viewpoint on how to find your way on your terms

  • A personalized plan to help you define your goals and then to reach them

  • Guidance and support via text and email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles


What’s the difference between coaching and therapy 

Coaching is not therapy although it can be therapeutic. It will never be my job to diagnose you with anything and I am not qualified to treat mental illness. My goal is to help you create your future. Although we may discuss things from your past that are holding you back, we do not need to go through all the details of your past in order to align your future trajectory towards your dreams. I will always see you as an amazing being whose potential is limitless. Coaching is a partnership where I fully believe that you have all of the answers but sometimes need to be asked the right questions to unearth your knowledge. Where are you now? Where do you want to be? What is next for you? When you roll back society’s expectations, what is your deepest desire? When you let go of what you ‘should’ do, what are the wants that rise inside of you? We work through the steps together to get you to remember who you really are.

How long does coaching last? 

Individual sessions usually last for 50 minutes. Group sessions are 60 minutes to two hours depending on the program. I usually suggest 6 weekly sessions to start off. My goal is to work with you, help you through the weeds, and give you the tools to continue your own work. Some people see me for two to three months and others work with me for longer periods or come back as needed for a ‘tune up’ and a check-in. I work with people who are change-makers and activists who are constantly evolving. Each personal transformation can require different tools and relationship help. There is no right or wrong way to do coaching. When we first decide to work together, we can create an individual plan that works for the goals you are looking to achieve.

How do you know if I am the right coach for you?

Great question. Trust yourself to know. It is sometimes hard to find someone that you feel you can trust and relate to. I remember when I was in my teens I thought something was wrong with me when I kept feeling disconnected from the therapists I would go to see. (At that time I didn’t know coaching existed) Finally, when I was about to give up, I met the right therapist for me and everything turned around in my life. You need to trust yourself and trust how you feel. I am not the right coach for everyone- no one is. I offer a free half-hour session where we can get to know each other a bit and assess if we would like to work together. If what you are looking for is outside my area of expertise, I am happy to refer you to someone who might be a better fit for you. I will also recommend a therapist if needed. 

What led me to coaching? 

I have spent a lifetime investigating my own mind, and my limiting beliefs, leaving no dark thoughts unturned. I am an autodidact with a wide library of knowledge ranging from corporate anthropology to end-of-life care. I am a passionate environmentalist who believes that we can not make radical changes in ourselves without considering our impact on our community and our planet. As I head into my crone years, it brings me great joy to be able to share my experience with others. 

Do i give homework?

Well, this isn’t school and you will not be ‘graded’! I do often give LifeWork to do in between sessions- some thought work that might help you process things we talked about. It is never mandatory.

Why do I work with Psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a very specific option for a limited number of clients and is not right for everyone.  It can be extremely helpful for people trying to find ways to cope with a terminal illness, PTSD, addiction, and depression. It can also be a creativity unblocker. There is a plethora of research available now about the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin. As a very straight-laced professional, I do not partake in casual recreational drugs, but after I participated in a John Hopkins psilocybin study, I learned firsthand of its life-changing benefits. If you are interested in more information about psilocybin two great sources are https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/ and Michael Pollen’s book and Netflix series, How to Change Your Mind. 

I do not sell or source psilocybin.  I do pre- and post-journey coaching and experiential partnering.

Is coaching covered by insurance?

I hope someday our healthcare industry will see the benefits of coaching, but currently, coaching is not covered by insurance. Because my mission is to help as many people as possible and to make coaching open to everyone, for a limited number of clients, I work on a sliding scale that barters my services with your volunteer hours at nonprofits in your community. We can discuss this option in our free introductory phone call.