I was a spitfire when I was young. I knew what I wanted and I believed I could do anything! And then, slowly, life chipped away at my sense of self-esteem. I doubted myself, became a people pleaser, and lost my way. I needed to conduct an honest mental inventory to examine the stories I was telling and believing. I stopped letting fear rule me. I saw vulnerability as a strength and I began trusting my own knowing. And most importantly, I treated myself with kindness. I became my own best friend. I found my way back! How about you? Have you lost your way? It is never too late to rekindle that spark you had as a child. We can teach ourselves new ways and we can tell different stories. I would love to help you on your journey back to yourself.

Hi, I’m Ashana Larsen


I want to set the world ablaze and help all people, young and old, toss off their imposter syndrome and stand in their power. This world needs you to be whole and complete. I am dedicated to helping you hold space in the world and own your legacy. 

I am a single white mom raising a Black dyslexic/ADD son and a queer daughter in our troubled world. For us, intersectionality isn’t just a theory we can dedicate our energy to understanding; it is omnipresent at every family dinner and conversation. Just like in the natural world, diversity is not only life-enriching, it is life-saving. It makes us more adaptive and our communities stronger. 

I am a solutionary feminist. I work every day (to paraphrase Gandhi) to be the change I want to see in the world. I use my entrepreneur, designer, teacher, mentor, writer, and public speaking skills to be a positive force for good and help myself and others become better humans and better guardians of our planet.

My superpower is asking the right questions to wake up your essential self and own who you were always meant to be. Stop playing small! It is time to go rogue! Release your funk monster of self-doubt. You have things to do. I will help you get there. 

I am an empath who has been told way too often that I am too sensitive. Not true! Sensitivity is my second superpower.

I like to chart my own path.  My career and interests have varied because I am not a single cog in someone’s wheel, but a fully empowered, entrepreneurial mama interested in everything that makes us human. I began coaching twenty years ago assisting Joseph Aldo at Dr Balentine’s NYC Health Center. In December 2022, I completed my Wayfinder Life Coach training, and in March 2023, I was certified with the Ethical Coaching Collective and the IACT (The International Association of Counselors and Therapists.) I have done design work in theatre, TV, and advertising. I have worked in corporate America, the nonprofit sector, and tech start-up. I have been a hospice worker, a death doula, a sustainable end-of-life advocate, and educator. I have taken classes/seminars with Martha Beck, David Bedrick, Simone Seol, Melissa Tier, Malcolm Gladwell, Chris Voss, Brooke Castillo, Gabor Maté, among others. All the places I have traveled, all the jobs I have had, all the people I have worked with, have made me who I am today.

Coaching is like coming home.