I am a coach for your unconscious mind

When you feel things you don’t want to feel,

When you do things you don’t want to do,

And you may not consciously know why. 

I’m here for you.

What do you want to change today?

Certified Integrative Life Coach with the Ethical Coaching Collective

Certified Hypnotist with Melissa Tiers and the Center for Integrative Hypnosis

Certified by The International Association of Counselors and Therapists

Coaching is an investment in yourself

  • Redefine Success

    You’ve climbed the corporate ladder and shattered the glass ceiling. You are an entrepreneur, a leader, and an innovator. You got the raise and the promotion (Or maybe you didn’t). You keep showing up; you keep giving your all. The only problem is you can’t remember what it is all for. It feels like a cheap suit that no longer fits. You can hardly stand to sit at your desk. You need a plan that will fit your unique needs and goals, but you are not even sure what they are anymore. On paper, you look so successful, but inside, you feel something is missing. It feels like you are going 80 mph in the wrong direction and you don’t know how to stop.

  • Find Your Target

    How did you get here?

    You have been a perfectionist and people pleaser your entire life. You have managed the house, the finances, boosted up your partner, cared for the kids. You have cared for everyone except yourself. You want to wake up. You want to remember what you wanted when you used to want things for yourself. You want to leave a legacy. You want your life to matter. You want to remember why you are here. You feel triggered and lost. There must be more than this. You could reach your target, if only you knew what it was. You feel anxious, depressed, and surprised by your rage.

  • Integrate Your Life

    What would you like to be different for you at the end of our sessions?

    Nothing else matters if you don’t like waking up with yourself. Imagine who you can be. Find your limits, your boundaries. Redefine success on your terms. Integrate your essential self back into your life. Your body, your sexuality, your expression, your truth, your style, your career, your happiness. You have one life. Don’t settle. The only opinion that matters is yours. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Be the ripple. Care for yourself, then your community, then the planet. Be the change this world needs.


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

Coaching Packages

Multiple sessions allow us to plan our time together and do deep healing work to lead you toward your dreams.

Plant Medicine Support

Pre and post-journey coaching for people looking for psychedelic healing.

“Working with Ashana as my life coach and plant guide has been a transformative and profound experience. Her unique approach, incorporating psilocybin-assisted sessions, allowed me to confront and explore the root causes of my emotional blockages and limiting beliefs. Through her compassionate and non-judgmental guidance, I felt safe delving deep into my psyche, addressing suppressed emotions and memories, which had been sources of lingering trauma in my life. Plant medicine integration offered an eye-opening perspective on my inner struggles and played a vital role in the healing process. It helped me navigate past traumas with newfound resilience and a sense of release, enabling me to move forward with a lighter heart and a clearer mind.

In addition to the psilocybin integration sessions, Ashana introduced me to the power of hypnotherapy and various other effective techniques. These tools provided a new dimension to our sessions, enabling me to tap into my subconscious mind and work on reprogramming old patterns hindering my growth. With Ashana's guidance, I learned how to leverage self-hypnosis techniques to access deeper layers of my psyche, where lasting transformation could occur. This approach profoundly facilitated healing and empowered me with valuable tools for self-discovery and personal development. Ashana's holistic and innovative coaching approach, combined with the integration of plant medicine and hypnotherapy, has been a catalyst for healing and growth in my life. I am incredibly grateful for her support and highly recommend Ashana to anyone seeking clarity, liberation, practical healing, and personal transformation techniques.”

-Gale, Washington DC